New Year’s Day has come and gone so now it’s time to write down your New Year’s resolutions! Did you know that statistics prove that written goals are essential to those who wish to become successful in life? So what are you waiting for? Grab a pen and write down what you wish to achieve/change in your life in 2017! Or you need some more convincing? Well… there you go then!
1. They increase focus and motivation. Keeping that yearly goal in front of you and reading it at least once per day will dramatically increase your effectiveness.
2. They clarify what is is that you really wish to accomplish in your year and your
3. They will give you purpose.
4. They encourage you to think big and think outside of the box.
Also, remember that your goals do not necessarily need to be job related.
They could concern your family, friends, free time, etc. The most important
question you should ask yourself is: HOW CAN I BECOME A BETTER